Come Ride with Us!

Southern Trailriders, a non-profit group centered near the Tallahassee, Florida area, supports an active interest in equestrian trail riding and the development and maintenance of public equestrian trails.

Southern Trailriders Association


    • To promote and develop public equestrian trails and related facilities throughout the southern United States
    • To promote an active interest in equestrian trail riding
    • To facilitate legislation, rules, ordinances and policies which promote equestrian trails
    • To encourage the compatibility of equestrian trails with natural resource conservation
    • To educate the general public in regards to equestrian recreational activities

And to enjoy trail riding!

Latest News

St. Marks Headwaters Ride – September 21, 2024

What great weather and great turnout for our first fall ride in 2024!  We had a total of 12 members:  Linda on Blondie, Chris C. on Rose, Chris L. on Ripple, Sue on Jazz, Esther on Dana, Nancy on Rosie, Chuck on Justin, Debbie on Doc, Liz on Majik, Becky on Smoke, and Regine and David leading Manni and Blue.  This was Sue’s first trail ride on her new mare, Jazz. We also had two service dogs tag along.

We rode out at 9:30 taking the trails that loop from the main trail and back until we passed the new pedestrian bridge, which is currently blocked by orange fencing.  Couldn’t resist a photo opportunity under some stately oaks nearby.

We then explored a newly-cut trail that wound its way through the woods; taking us West until we reached the fence line.  It was quite beautiful, had a couple of shallow water crossings, and was well marked with wooden stakes. 

We stopped for a while on the last leg of our ride in the oak-filled portion of the park. It gave us another chance to chat, drink some water, and snap more pictures.  All in all, it was a pleasant, slow-going ride that concluded […]

Three Cases of EEE found in South Georgia

VALDOSTA, Ga. (WALB) – The Georgia Department of Public Health’s (DPH) South Health District has recieved three positive notifications of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE).

In Berrien County, a horse has tested positive, along with one mosquito pool in Irwin County, and another pool in Lowndes County, according to a release by Georgia DPH.

“These three positive notifications are spread out across our district, which tells us that EEE is present in our region,” said Chris Calhoun, District Environmental Health director. “We want to encourage everyone to take extra precautions to protect themselves against mosquito bites. While these notifications do happen most years, we must continue to take it seriously.”

DPH provided tips to prevent mosquito bites including:

Use insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535, or oil of lemon eucalyptus on exposed skin and/or clothing

Wear long sleeves and pants when the weather permits

Have secure, intact screens on windows and doors to keep mosquitoes out

Eliminate mosquito breeding sites by emptying standing water from flowerpots, buckets, barrels, wading pools, and other containers. Drill holes in tire swings so water drains out

Be sure to use repellent and wear protective clothing from dusk to dawn or consider indoor activities during these times due to peak mosquito-biting hours

“While it is […]

STA Quarterly Meeting – June 15th – CANCELED

You may have guessed by now that we aren’t having a quarterly meetingtoday. The Board was unable to secure a suitable indoor venue, anddecided it was not practical to host an outdoor meeting (high todaypredicted to reach the upper 90s).

But our tireless President, Joyce Papp, will prepare an email withnewsworthy information from the first half of this year and informationon upcoming projects. This will be sent out to the membership, posted onthe STA website and also on our FaceBook page.

The Board hopes everyone is staying safe and keeping all their horsescomfortable (as much as can done in Florida summertime).