JR Alford Greenway – January 23, 2022
When I pulled up my driveway with Quia, the temperature was 38 degrees. Not bad, I thought, because it was supposed to be colder. As I got to the electronic gate, I see Linda V. and Scarlet go flying by. Good, I thought, at least I won’t be the only one there! After Linda and I pulled in the trailhead, Vickie J. and Angie S. pulled in with Sol and Gizmo. I noticed a little dog in the truck and asked why they had brought it. They found it running back and forth across SR59, south of I-10 so they stopped and picked him up. He was really scared. Angie called her husband and he came and picked the little dog up and took him home. I asked Vickie what they were going to do with him and she said she was going to see if her husband would let her keep the dog until they could determine who owned him.. After this happened, Suzanne L. came in with Cracker so this was the group for the ride! When we mounted up, the temperature was 43 degrees…not bad, I thought! We started out to the east to do the perimeter trail but shortly, Angie started having trouble with Gizmo and decided to go back to the trailhead. Suzanne said she would be glad to ride him for her but we couldn’t find a bench to use as a mounting block for Angie so she and Vickie departed, much to our disappointment. The rest of the ride was very enjoyable. We ran into many walkers, some with dogs, and some bike riders, all who were courteous. All in all it was very enjoyable. We took two of the multiple use single track trails as Suzanne had never been on them and ended up with a 3-hour trail ride!
Fast forward a few days…I was talking to Jan E. about the ride and mentioned the dog they picked up. She said that on Facebook a girl posted her being in Lloyd to visit her grandmother and her dog got out of the car and she couldn’t find it. I gave Jan Vicki’s phone number, hoping this would be a great reunion. Come to find out, the dog the girl lost was a female…same coloring and everything, but the dog Vickie has is a male! (This told me she talked her husband into keeping the dog until someone can prove they are the true owner.) So, beware….if you go on a ride I lead in the future, you never know what will happen!!!!!
Submitted by Sue N.